DersOneBasisFun Subroutine

private pure subroutine DersOneBasisFun(me, i, u, n, ders)

Computes a single basis function and its derivatives based on Algorithm A2.5 in the NURBS Book [^1].

Implementation Details of Algorithm A2.5

By using Eq. (2.9), the algorithm computes for fixed where ; . The th derivative is returned in real :: ders(k). For example, if and , then

Using triangular tables, we must compute

Algorithm 2.5

The algorithm computes and stores the entire triangular table corresponding to ; to get the th derivative, loads the column of the table which contains the functions of degree , and compute the remaining portion of the triangle.

Note: This algorithm does not apply to rational basis functions.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
class(basis), intent(in) :: me
integer, intent(in) :: i

Basis function index

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: u

Given value

integer, intent(in) :: n

Number of derivatives ()

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: ders(0:n)


proc~~dersonebasisfun~~CallsGraph proc~dersonebasisfun DersOneBasisFun ui ui proc~dersonebasisfun->ui


Source Code

Source Code

        pure subroutine DersOneBasisFun(me,i,u,n,ders)
            class(basis),   intent(in)  :: me
            integer,        intent(in)  :: i            !< Basis function index   
            real(wp),       intent(in)  :: u            !< Given \( u \) value
            integer,        intent(in)  :: n            !< Number of derivatives (\(n \leq p\))
            real(wp),       intent(out) :: ders(0:n)    !< \( = \{ N_{i,p}^{(0)}(u), \ldots, N_{i,p}^{(k)}(u) \} \)
            integer                 :: m
            integer                 :: j, jj, k
            real(wp)                :: ND(0:me%p), Ni(0:me%p,0:n), Uleft, Uright, saved, temp
            associate( p => me%p, Ui => me%kv ) !get rid of % signs 
            ! set highest knot vector index 
            m = me%nk-1
            ND = 0.0_wp
            Ni = 0.0_wp
            ders = 0.0_wp
            ! if knot is outside of span range
            if (u < Ui(i) .or. u >= Ui(i+p+1))then ! /* Local property */
                do k=0,n 
                    ders(k) = 0.0_wp
                end do
            end if
            do j=0,p ! /* Initialize zeroth-degree functions */
                if (u >= Ui(i+j) .and. u < Ui(i+j+1)) then
                    Ni(j,0) = 1.0_wp
                    Ni(j,0) = 0.0_wp
                end if
            end do
            do k=1,p ! / * Compute full triangular table * /
                ! Detecting zeros saves computations
                if (Ni(0,k-1) == 0.0_wp)then
                    saved = 0.0_wp    
                    saved = ((u-Ui(i)) * Ni(0,k-1)) / (Ui(i+k)-Ui(i))
                end if
                do j=0,p-k
                    Uleft = Ui(i+j+1)
                    Uright = Ui(i+j+k+1)
                    ! Zero detection
                    if (Ni(j+1,k-1) == 0.0_wp)then
                        Ni(j,k) = saved 
                        saved = 0.0_wp
                        temp = Ni(j+1,k-1)/(Uright-Uleft)
                        Ni(j,k) = saved+(Uright-u)*temp
                        saved = (u-Uleft)*temp
                    end if
                end do
            end do
            ders(0) = Ni(0,p) ! /* The function value */
            do k=1,n ! /* Compute the derivatives */
                ND = 0.0_wp
                do j=0,k ! /* Load appropriate column */
                    ND(j) = Ni(j,p-k) 
                end do
                do jj=1,k ! /* Compute table of width k */
                    if (ND(0) == 0.0_wp)then
                        saved = 0.0_wp
                        saved = ND(0) / (Ui(i+p-k+jj) - Ui(i))
                    end if
                    do j=0,k-jj
                        Uleft = Ui(i+j+1)
                        Uright = Ui(i+j+p-k+jj+1) !Wrong in The NURBS Book: -k is missing.
                        if (ND(j+1) == 0.0_wp)then
                            ND(j) = (p-k+jj)*saved
                            saved = 0.0_wp
                            temp = ND(j+1)/(Uright-Uleft);
                            ND(j) = (p-k+jj)*(saved-temp);
                            saved = temp;
                        end if
                    end do
                end do
                ders(k) = ND(0) ! /* kth derivative */
            end do
            end associate
        end subroutine DersOneBasisFun